mardi 14 avril 2009

A brief history of global ethnology

Or Human social evolution, a quite old article not published until now...

I quite recently heard on the TV an interesting theory I think we can give some credit to, even if it is a little basic and caricatured. Hereafter its main guidelines:
- It seems to be proven that less intelligent people have more children and less money than the more intelligent one.
- A consequence of that is the amount of poor less intelligent people is increasing in proportion to the global populace.
- Another thing is that a part of the money of the richest people is going to the poor to help them survive and avoid them starving.
- And the world is thus becoming less intelligent with the time, as the selective process imagined by Darwin is not working properly here.

I also think that in our western countries, the social cares are so developed that is some cases it is somehow "comfortable" to remain under-educated and earn less money. In some countries like France, you could even think that earning money is a bad thing, and the process to work ourselves higher in the social layers is working the other way around.
Fortunately it is not always the case, but the trend exists.
In addition, generalized poverty is usually going with social instability.

All of this raises the question of the future evolution of Mankind, with an exponential increasing population, an uncertain social level on the globe, and high discrepancies between regions.
And if we consider the current challenges of raw materials and especially power resources, and the already worrying situation there, plus the terrible economical crisis we are all facing now, we can easily understand that another global war might threaten the world soon. Or many local ones in all regions.

However let us still hope for the best...


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Glossaire alphabétique (2007)

Glossaire alphabétique (1er semestre 2008)

Glossaire alphabétique (2e semestre 2008)

Glossaire alphabétique (2009)